¿Qué pasó? Camila Cabello en un ataque de risa delirante... ¿por estrés o alcohol?

La cantante es la protagonista de un video insólito.
jueves, 27 de febrero de 2020 · 16:00

Camila Cabello sorprendió hace unos días al confesar que viene luchando contra la ansiedad y el estrés, en una búsqueda de sanidad mental para poder disfrutar de su carrera. 

La cantante de 22 años hasta compartió con sus seguidores un ejercicio de meditación que le permite calmarse y sentirse "conectada" con el ambiente. 

En esa línea, en las últimas horas, Camila compartió una historia donde pregunta irónica sobre el estrés para luego grabarse en un ataque de risa. 

Claramente buscando hacer de cuenta que está calmada, la intérprete de "Havana" se muestra tomando una enorme copa de vino. 

Cabe recordar que la, hasta ahora, novia de Shawn Mendes se encuentra en las grabaciones de la nueva versión de Cenicienta, que la tendrá como protagonista. 

Por si fuera poco, la ex Fifth Harmony acaba de lanzar su nuevo material, al que sus seguidores aguardaban con ansias tras su último trabajo.

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all of us go through the same things and are trying to figure it out - none of us are exempt from stress, anxiety, sadness, pain, and countless other internal struggles, whether itu2019s moments of it, or longer than just moments - for me, i suffered from anxiety so much that I had no choice but to change, to look for different tools that could help me, because it was bringing me so much pain- the last few months especially, Iu2019ve worked so hard on this and am experiencing so much growth - which means, to anybody struggling, that growth and change is completely possible ! But today I just want to share this loving kindness meditation that is my favorite thing Iu2019ve learned so far- because itu2019s easy to forget in our own struggles (Iu2019ve been guilty of this and thatu2019s why I love this particular practice so much) that everybody around us, and on this planet is fighting their own battle, and is feeling their own pain - some at a way more excruciating level than others, and therefore, EVERYBODY, even the people that most piss you off, are in DESPERATE need of love and kindness - I hope you try this practice today : for 10 minutes I breathe and picture somebody I love and say these phrases, I picture them happy and smiling as if itu2019s the best day of their lives, I picture them sad and wish them with all my heart that they be free from it - then I picture myself and say them about myself, then someone Iu2019m not as close to (or someone you donu2019t get along with so much), and then I picture all the humans on the planet, and then all animals and living beings too- it really makes me feel connected and not alone , because the truth is - we never are, weu2019re all in it together . u2764ufe0f

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Parece ser que a puro relax y meditación Camila Cabello logra sortear su ansiedad para poder encarar un 2020 que se presenta desafiante. 

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